An unexpected pregnancy can rip the rug out from under you. It can be easy to make a snap decision out of fear, but it’s crucial to ask questions and get all the facts on your options to protect your health!
Today, we’re answering some frequently asked questions about the abortion pill, so you can make a confident, educated decision for your unexpected pregnancy!
Although it’s referred to as a pill (singular), the abortion pill actually consists of two medications: mifepristone and misoprostol.
Mifepristone is taken first, usually in a clinic. This medication cuts the supply of the hormone progesterone to the embryo, which is needed to maintain the pregnancy. Without a steady supply of progesterone, the embryo stops growing. Misoprostol is taken 24-48 hours later at home. This medication causes the uterus to contract and expel the fetus, which ends the pregnancy.
You can’t take the abortion pill beyond 10 weeks of pregnancy (or 70 days since the first day of your last menstrual period)[1]. This is because it becomes less effective the farther along you are. If you take the abortion pill later on in your pregnancy, you could experience serious complications and may need emergency surgery to complete the procedure.
At the time of writing (January 2023), abortion is legal in Ohio up until 22 weeks from the last menstrual period (or 20 weeks from conception).
Currently, Ohio abortion law doesn’t require you to receive an ultrasound. You may be wondering why you’d want one, especially if you’re thinking about terminating the pregnancy. The answer is that ultrasounds provide the insight needed to make an informed and empowered decision for an unexpected pregnancy! They determine two key things about your pregnancy: viability and gestational age.
A viable pregnancy means that the pregnancy is progressing properly. For example, at about six weeks, the embryo should have a heartbeat[2]. The goal is to rule out a nonviable pregnancy, such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy—in either case, abortion isn’t needed.
How far along am I? Your ultrasound can answer that question! It’s important to know how far along you are (also known as your gestational age), as Ohio law only allows abortion up to 22 weeks from the last period. If you intend to travel out of state for an abortion, be aware that the surrounding areas may prohibit abortion beyond a certain point in your pregnancy as well. Additionally, you can’t take the abortion pill past 10 weeks of pregnancy, as mentioned earlier.
Before spending your money only to find out you aren’t eligible for abortion, consider receiving a free ultrasound at Richland Pregnancy Services! If your ultrasound determines that you’re too far along for abortion, our compassionate client advocates will help you explore all of your pregnancy options, so you can make the best choice for your health and future!
The FDA requires a prescription from a qualified physician in order to take the abortion pill for your personal safety (more on that in a moment!)[3]. The abortion pill can’t be purchased over the counter for this reason.
The FDA warns against ordering the abortion pill online, as it bypasses safety regulations designed to keep you safe. Many online abortion pill providers are located overseas, so the pills they provide may not be FDA-approved[4]. These pills could be fake, expired, or even laced with harmful substances! It’s best to speak to a licensed medical professional first!
Like any medical procedure, there are risks and side effects associated with the abortion pill. Severe side effects include:
This all may sound a bit frightening, but we believe you deserve to be aware of the risks and side effects of abortion, so you can make the best choice for your health and future!
When your pregnancy test comes back positive, it can be easy to panic. Don’t let fear make any decisions for you! At Richland Pregnancy Services, we provide free medical services and pregnancy resources, so you can get the support you deserve:
Give us a call at (419) 522-8862 or schedule your appointment today. All services are confidential and free of charge!
Please be aware that Richland Pregnancy Services does not provide or refer for abortion services.