As a college or high school student, getting pregnant was probably not a part of your plans. You have a lot to think about regarding your future, and it can be overwhelming. During your appointment, we will talk about all your pregnancy options and provide the information you need to make the decision that is right for you. We want to help you gain the knowledge you need to feel empowered to make your own choice.
The first thing you should do is to make sure that you are actually pregnant. A missed period and other symptoms are not always necessarily accurate indicators of pregnancy. To find out for sure, you can take a pregnancy test in our center at no cost to you. If your test is positive, we will provide you with a free ultrasound.
You have support available to you. Do not think that you have to hide this pregnancy from others and handle the situation all by yourself. We at Richland Pregnancy Center are here to offer no-cost medical services and support to all students.
If you are a high school or college student, you can schedule an appointment with us in our center. One of our caring and knowledgeable staff members will be there to discuss your options and educate you about the possibilities. Remember, we are here to help you. Contact us today to schedule a visit to our center, so you can receive the help and support that you need.
Click the link for your school below for directions to Richland Pregnancy Center.